Franklin, TN
There are many studies connecting physical activity and sleep. Some research concludes that people who exercise regularly sleep better, while those that don’t work out may experience insufficient sleep quality. It can seem like a constant battle if you experience fatigue and low energy levels to find enough in you to work out, even though you’re likely to sleep better eventually. So, today on the blog, we’re answering this question, what’s the connection between activity level and sleep quality?
It’s no surprise that regular exercise promotes good health in many ways like improving balance, strength, and endurance. Regular exercise also reduces your risk of diseases related to heart disease and cancer. Many people who exercise daily report experiencing more energy, better moods, clearer thinking, and other benefits like sleeping better. Exercise also reduces the amount of time that you spend in bed tossing and turning, meaning that you fall asleep faster and experience improved sleep quality.
Some reports show that moderate to vigorous exercise may improve sleep apnea conditions by maintaining a healthy weight and reducing fat deposits around the neck. In turn, weight loss could help reduce snoring while sleeping. This is good news for sleep apnea sufferers considering that nearly 60% of cases are related to weight. But how much exercise is enough to improve sleep quality? One study reveals that a quarter of adults in the U.S. between the ages of 55 and 84 slept fewer than six hours a night, experienced chronic fatigue during the day, and had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep when they only exercised one day or less a week. These individuals were also more likely to develop obstructive sleep apnea or insomnia. On the flip side, the group that exercised three or more times a week slept better and longer each night. Therefore, you can easily see how beneficial exercising at least three days a week can be.
Is there a better time of day to exercise?
Many people get hung up on the best time of day to exercise. Should it be first thing in the morning? Before or after breakfast? What if you can only fit it in on your lunch break or after work? Is it still beneficial to work out at night before bed? The best time to work out is when it works for your schedule. Supporting research states that first thing in the morning may yield the best results because most people get too busy during the day and end up not fitting a workout in if they put it off until later. However, if later in the day works for you and you’re able to stay consistent with it, then work out in the afternoon. However, researchers do recommend not working out too close to bedtime because it will increase your heart rate and interfere with your ability to fall asleep.
Sleep better in Franklin and Thompson Station, Tennessee
It may seem counterintuitive to work out when you’re already dragging and feeling tired but give it a try and you will be pleasantly surprised at the results. If you’re still struggling to sleep well, consider an airway evaluation with a sleep apnea dentist in Franklin like Lee Palmer, DDS. To learn more or schedule a consultation, please call (615) 794-0756.